Irish Protests Erupt Over Soldier's Acquittal in Brutal Assault Case

Irish Protests Erupt Over Soldier's Acquittal in Brutal Assault Case

Protests across Ireland followed after a soldier assaulted a woman in a random street attack and was acquitted in court.

Thousands marched in Cork, Dublin, Galway, and Limerick on Saturday in support of Natasha O’Brien, 24, who has become a symbol of how the legal system deals with gender-based violence.

"I spoke out because I couldn't bear to think of the impact on other victims. It's time for this to stop," O'Brien said at the Limerick rally.

Earlier this week, O'Brien criticized the suspended jail sentence that spared her attacker, 22-year-old Cathal Crotty, from prison, expressing how the court case had caused her additional trauma. A government minister labeled the case a significant moment, while activists urged legal reforms.

Crotty assaulted O'Brien in Limerick city center on May 29, 2022, after she intervened to stop him from shouting homophobic slurs at people passing by, leaving her unconscious.

The off-duty army private, who had been drinking, grabbed O'Brien by the hair, knocked her down, and punched her at least six times, causing a broken nose, swelling, bruising, and a concussion. Later that day, he bragged to friends on Snapchat: "Two to put her down, two to put her out."

Initially, Crotty claimed the victim started the violence but later admitted guilt when CCTV footage proved the attack was unprovoked. O'Brien was heading home after a shift at a pub and did not know Crotty.

In court, O'Brien said the attack made her feel like "a punching bag" and her last thought before losing consciousness was "he's not stopping, I'm going to die."

She experienced ongoing concussion symptoms and feelings of dread and isolation, which led to self-destructive behavior and the loss of her job. "I felt numb and disconnected from reality, constantly afraid of encountering him again," she explained.

Crotty's superior, Commandant Paul Togher, told the court that Crotty, from Ardnacrusha, County Clare, had acted out of character and was usually an exemplary and disciplined soldier.

Judge Tom O'Donnell handed Crotty a fully suspended three-year sentence and required him to pay €3,000 in compensation. The judge described the assault as appalling, cowardly, and vicious, but considered Crotty's guilty plea, lack of prior convictions, and the impact on his military career if imprisoned.

Prosecutors may appeal the sentence. The defense force has started internal proceedings. O'Brien criticized the sentence, saying it shows a broken system where other assault cases also lead to non-custodial sentences, discouraging victims from seeking justice.

Taoiseach Simon Harris praised O'Brien and condemned such attacks as unacceptable, noting, "We are facing an epidemic of gender-based violence in our country."

Malcolm Noonan, a junior minister, described it as a "turning point" in an interview with RTE.

Justice Minister Helen McEntee stated that a forthcoming law will require anyone providing a character reference to be open to cross-examination in cases involving domestic or sexual violence, and violence against women.

Women's rights groups organized protests under the slogan "not one more" and demanded comprehensive legal reforms. Rosa stated, "A soldier's career should not outweigh women's safety. Our justice system favors violent offenders every day."

SOURCE: The Guardian 

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